Unlocking the Potential of the PADI Adventure App: Let's Dive In Together!
Rich Synowiec Oct 27, 2023
For the past few days, I've been diving into the world of the PADI Adventure App, an online resource designed to connect divers with their local dive centers, showcasing upcoming dives and classes. If you are not familiar with the PADI Adventure App, you can download it on the google play store or access it through the PADI App where you find your certification eCards. Your first real step is to know what I am talking about, so download it and open it if you have never seen it. As of right now, October 2023, please temper your enthusiasm a bit. It is an app with amazing potential but for two years it has had little traction, especially in the local diving markets outside of Hawaii, Florida and California.
While the concept is brilliant, my initial impression is that not enough dive centers are utilizing it to its full potential. When I type "not enough" I really mean that there is pretty much no one. I am the ony dive center in Michigan who appears to have ads on the site and there is no one in Ohio where my other dive center is located. The thing is that in a world of undervalued social media space this is truly a big deal. But the potential can only be realized when there are a few more people in on the conversation.
It's akin to having a social media account with minimal posts or an ad space with just a few ads – the platform is there, but the interaction is missing. As passionate divers, we know that the community is the heart of our sport, and the PADI Adventure App has the potential to bring us all closer together. I admit that in our industry we are super slow to embrace anything having to do with online technology and I will also admit that the program has a few barriers to entry. It is a little outdated in its way of doing things and a little buggy, but once you get over the initial hurdles and get some traction it looks like it has potential. While I do not do many day trips that repeat over and over, those dive centers who do could see a real upside to this.
So, I'm here to encourage my fellow dive professionals and enthusiasts to join me in unlocking the true potential of this platform. Let's make it a vibrant hub for all things diving! I am only a PADI Course Director and have no other skin in the game other than having more people on the platform which, in turn will bring more people to see my stuff. To this end, here are some of the suggestions I have if you are a dive professional looking at this as the potential for what it could bring. Here are some ideas,
- Do SOMETHING: If you are one of the four people who are reading this blog as a relavant dive pro then you are probably already familiar with the PADI Adventure App. If you are not, I would suggest you schedule an hour to just play with it. If you are not a dive center you will not have access to the back end but you can be familiar with the consumer side so get familiar with it and sell your dive center on the idea. Offer to take the plunge into it so to speak.
- Post Ads: Once you are familiar with the process Dive centers and dive professionals associated with a PADI dive center, can start by posting their upcoming dives and classes. Share your excitement, showcase your expertise, and let divers know what's happening in their local waters. Be excited about what you can offer even if you feel you are not a resort destination. Divers want to dive.
- Encourage Dive Centers: If you're affiliated with a dive center who is not active on the platform, nudge them to be more presrent on the app. It's a fantastic marketing tool that can connect them with divers who are eager to explore the underwater world. It does take some preparation in that you need pictures and the product you are looking for so offer to help the dive staff with the stuff you can do.
- Connect and Interact: Dive enthusiasts, follow your favorite dive centers and professionals on the social media that you prefer. If you see their entry on the PADI Adventure App, post it on your page and promote it for them. Comment, ask questions, and engage with the community. Let's create a space where divers can share their experiences and knowledge around an experience you want to partake in. Be especially supportive of local diving opportunities close to home.
- Spread the Word: Share your positive experiences with the PADI Adventure App on social media and with your fellow divers. Encourage them to join in and make it a go-to resource.
The PADI Adventure App has the potential to be a vibrant hub for divers, a place to plan adventures, find like-minded individuals, and explore the underwater world together. Let's make it happen! Dive into the future of diving with me.